Sunday, August 23, 2009

8.23.09 :)

Sorry I haven't blogged in FOREVER but it's cause nobody comments && I'm wicked busy! Tommorrow I'm going to Brittneys camp till wednesday. I can't wait!! It's gonna be super fun! :DD that's all cause i'm watching sonny with a chance buh~bye~~Jillian

Sunday, July 5, 2009

~My Current Obsession~Blog~More

Right now my obsession is Sharpies!!! (especially the mini ones) :D

They come in a gazillion different colors! I also like the really fine point Sharpies. Or the kind that are two sided!!! HEHE!!!


So today I went to a lake with my cousins. (we actually have a camp on the lake) It was alot of fun and we're going again tommorrow! In a few weeks I'm going to sleep away camp and I'm super pumped and excited!! At the moment I'm writing a book called 'Just Another Crazy Teenage Girl' I'll post the first few chapters if you guys want me to...maybe. 4th of July was fun!! We went to a parade and then I was in a different parade later that day. But for breakfast we went to a restraunt and it took forever!!! I can't wait for Christine's birthday party....Christine if your reading this what do you want? Then after that is my birthday! And a few days later Dima is comeing back from Bulgaria and it's her birthday...I think she's having a pool party. Well I can't wait to see Dimers!!!! That's my BLOGGIE!

~JJ xoxo